Matthew Hill

New Media Recruitment Project

Home page for New Media Recruitment Project
The colours may be all over the place but they all have meaning.

Languages Used:



If you would like to visit the site, please click here. All examples of work were generously donated by my classmates for use on this project and were not done by me.

This group project was fun I was partnered with Rob Wilson who helped with web coding,Camron Scott and Catherina Torres were the designers and the photos and video were done by Josh Boak. There was so much simplicity in the design that at least to us in the group holds so much meaning. First off the nav bar, this nav bar while extremely colourful holds two symbols. The first attempted Symbol was a colour bar like you would find on a TV when it was being tested, the second meaning we tried for was related to where each page linked too, each colour used has a meaning to the class.

The colours:

Lets Start with the orange, the orange is the exact orange used in Adobe Illustrator logo, this was used more to represent the teacher than the class.

Next up is the purple, the purple like the orange is an Adobe program logo colour, in this case, it is for Primer Pro. We chose to use this colour as it is a program heavily used in the Rich Media course.

Next comes the green and you guessed it, it is an Adobe logo colour, in this case, Adobe Dreamweaver, we picked to use this colour as Dreamweaver is a code editor and heavily used in The Web Communications course.

After green we have the blue, this blue is from Adobe Photoshops logo, we picked this for Visual Communications as Photoshop is one of the two main programs taught in the first two semesters of the course.

Second last is the Pink, this one and the next one were hard choices to be made. The pink is from Adobe InDesign, we picked this one, not for its heavy use in the course but its symbolic use. We as a group thought that InDesign best represented an industry simulation.

Lastly, we have the red; now we picked this red from Adobe Animates logo. As a group we struggled with selecting a colour, we chose Animates Red because we thought it a bit of a funny joke as Student life is the most animated tab.

The Problems & My solutions:

The first problem I came across building my site was getting the little box to stay in its current position, because of my limited knowledge of Flex and Flexbox this little box became a nightmare disappearing below the image at a moments notice. Eventually, I managed to get the box to stay using the proper media query, but it still was a nightmare to work with and around.

The second problem I came across was trying to keep each page colour coordinated; this was easier since my group wanted to keep this pure HTML and CSS. However, as I like experimenting with my own time I messed around and tried to get this into PHP, this was fun and using the proper variables I was able to keep each page appropriately coloured.

While the final result turned out great, there are things I would still do differently if I had the chance. Given an opportunity to go back and do this project from the start I would use Flexbox on the Image and the infobox. Still, I am happy with how the project turned out in the end.