Matthew Hill

E-Commerce Website

E-commerce Home Page
The home page, due to size restrictions on this The photos on the front page are much more crip then every other Page

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This website is the first “full” website that I have built; the project had us building an E-commerce website, this project presented a few of fun problems to solve.

The Problems & My solutions:

The first problem I faced with working on this website was how I wanted to sort the information, building a complex set of if statements I set a condition for each possible combination of Sort and Filter. The only mistake I made when doing this was I set the if statements to check the inputs Filters selected first then Sorts. If I were to do this now I the exact way I did it, then I would have put the extra effort in and made the site work with Sorts selected first then Filters.

The Second Problem was the cart; this absorbed most of my time on this project. My first step to the cart was just a Session that stored the information, alone it was not useful. My second phase was to get the math working adding up the costs of each item ordered. The next step is where things start to get complicated, how I was building the cart was terrible for what I was trying to do. To fix the mess I made I had to set up a web of if statements that checked if the cart existed already if the cart was empty or had something stored and if there was a duplicate item in the cart. After creating that mess of code, I then had to get it from the order pace to the database, due to my convoluted methods I was able to enter each product code into the database with ease.

Overall this was one of my proudest moments, while this cart would never work on a production site because of how un-secure it is it still was a tremendous first website and an excellent little solution with the knowledge I had at the time.