This is not a real site this is a example of work by Matthew Hill.

Deaths Door

Cover of the book Deaths Door

Skylar was the most powerful women in the world, though most of the world didn't even know she existed. Tasked with keeping peace amongst the world she worked in secret afraid of what the people might do if they ever found out about her. The fears were never misplaced, though, and in her 16 years of life she had been forced to kill a few people who had tried to exploit her for her powers, she hated doing it, but it was a necessary evil. Without the evil, she committed the world would fall into utter chaos in months.

Skylar held the ancient power of death in her hands, it was cold and ruthless, but on occasion, it could be kind and loving. Skylar knew all too well how death worked, every day she would go out into the world and collect the souls of the dead and dying while also taking care of the monsters that lurked under the beds and in the closets of children. The job got messy some days (especially when a monster fought back), but she knew without it the world she cared so much for would be destroyed in only a matter of months.