This is not a real site this is a example of work by Matthew Hill.

Murder Watch

Cover of the book Murder Watch

Ajax was a man of few words; every day was the same thing; he would get up, go to work come home and go to bed, he did this every day without fail for almost twelve years. What changed? Simple Ajax passed an ally at the wrong time, witnessing a cop murder a man Ajax became the most wanted man in the country. To survive, he must get help with his closest friend Alto and take down the corrupt cop at any costs necessary.

With the cops, hot on his train Ajax has had to hide in some rather unwelcoming places, he longs for the days when he lived that boring life. It has been five years since he was added to the most wanted list, he has nowhere left to run if Alto can't find the evidence needed to prove his innocence he will inevitably be tossed into some dark hole in the middle of nowhere and left to rot. Time is running out, and Ajax knows it.